Do you work or live in Westfield?
Did you provide input for the Town of Westfield’s comprehensive Master Plan?
How strongly do you support the idea of repurposing underperforming parcels within Downtown Westfield with a mixed-use approach to combine residential, retail, and office spaces?
The Lord & Taylor building has been a landmark in Westfield for decades. As we look to its future, do you have any thoughts on how the property should contribute to its surrounding neighborhood and town? What do you think is the most appropriate use of the space?
One Westfield Place anticipates the introduction of a new Downtown mobility hub. This will integrate bike storage, improved passenger mobility for transit, and covered pedestrian walkways into the Downtown area. Are there any additional transportation or pedestrian connectivity improvements you’d like to see considered?
What types of businesses, services, or experiences do you think would be good to add to the existing Downtown area?
Have you previously visited or do you plan to visit the 76 Elm Street Preview Center?
As Westfield evolves, what changes would you be excited to see? What would you like to remain unchanged?
Thank you for completing the survey.